For Online and Local Marketers Who Want To Have A Totally Unfair Competitive Advantage Over ALL Other Marketers And Take Their Business AND Bank Account To The Next Level…
Our New Web-Based Software Tool Answers The #1 Question EVERY Internet Marketer, Website Owner AND Local Business Has… 
“What Is My Return On Investment, Or ROI, For Ranking My Keyword On Page 1 Of Google and/or in the Google Maps’ 3-Pack?”
Translation: How Much Money Can I Make Ranking On Page 1 Of Google and/or in the 3-Pack?!
Hurry! Early Bird Pricing Ends Soon!

You have NEVER seen or used a software like ours because there is NOTHING else like it anywhere, PERIOD… A web-based, 3-in-1 software tool that INSTANTLY calculates and generates invaluable intel you and/or your clients can use to estimate how much money you and/or they can make by ranking on either Page 1 of Google and/or in the Google Maps’ Local Search Results, also known as Google’s 3-Pack!

With Serpinatr on your side, your clients and prospects will  INSTANTLY elevate you to SEO EXPERT status because you are the ONLY consultant they will encounter that can not only tell them, but also SHOW them their potential ROI for ranking on Page 1 of Google for ANY keyword or keyword phrase…

Imagine… having such an unfair advantage over all other marketers that you NEVER again have to worry about where your next payday was coming from, or how you’re going to pay your next mortgage or rent payment, because you have the ability to estimate how much money you or your clients can make when ranking on page 1 of Google for ANY keyword…

Stop imagining and make this YOUR reality…

Guaranteed: With The Serpinatr Software, You Are About To Do What NO ONE Else Can Do With Such Speed And Precision:

Uncover The Estimated ROI And Keyword Value Of Ranking On Page 1 Of Google And/Or Google’s 3-Pack! 

Whether You Or Your Client Ranks #1, #2 Or Even #9, #10 Or Anywhere In Between on Page 1 of Google or #1, #2 or #3 in the 3-Pack, Serpinatr Is A Three-In-One Software Tool That Instantaneously Estimates The ROI And Keyword Value For ANY Keyword Or Keyword Phrase Based On Both Pre-Defined And User-Defined Criteria!

With Serpinatr On Your Side, You Not Only Have A MASSIVE Time Saver, You Also Have A Potentially HUGE Money Maker! 
It’s Like Having A Crystal Ball As Serpinatr Lets You Estimate The ROI, Along With The Value For ANY Keyword Ranked On Page 1 of Google And/Or In The 3-Pack, BEFORE You Or Your Clients Decide Whether To Spend Time And Effort On SEO To Rank On Page 1 Of Google And/Or In The 3-Pack For That Keyword Versus Another Keyword Which Serpinatr Estimates Is More Valuable!
There Are Literally MILLIONS UPON MILLIONS Of Business Owners And Decision-Makers Desperate To Have This Invaluable Intel… And Are Willing To Pay You BIG BANK To Help Them Rank On Page 1 Of Google And/Or In Google’s 3-Pack And Turn Your ROI And Keyword Value Estimates Into Reality, Making Serpinatr A High-Quality Lead Machine As Well!

This Fact Alone Provides You A Competitive Advantage AND The Opportunity To Become An INSTANT ROI And Keyword Valuation Expert, All By Simply Using Our Serpinatr Software!

Introducing: Serpinatr
You Have NEVER Seen Or Used A Software Like Ours… A Web-Based 3-in-1 Software That INSTANTLY Generates Invaluable Intel You Or Your Clients Can To Quickly Estimate How Much Money They Can Make By Ranking On Page 1 Of Google And/Or In Google’s 3-Pack!

With Serpinatr On Your Side, It’s Like Having Your Very Own Built-In Sales Team As Local Businesses Will Realize (Hint: Or You Can Make Sure They Realize) That They Cannot Afford NOT To Rank On Page 1 Of Google Or In The 3-Pack… Unless They Want Their Competition To Generate All the Online Traffic, Leads, Sales, Revenues And Bottom-Line Profits…   Yeah, Right! No Way!

Whether For Your SEO Fees, AdWords Campaigns And/Or Keyword Values, Serpinatr Instantly Calculates An Estimated ROI, Keyword Value And Additional Metrics Which Can Have You And/Or Your Clients And Prospects Drooling At The Potential ROI And Bottom-Line Profits You Can Attain, For Yourself And/Or Your Clients And Prospects, When They Retain Your Digital Marketing Services!

Serpinatr Solves A HUGE Problem That Currently Exists For ANY Marketer And Local Business Trying To Blindly Rank On Page 1 Of Google For ANY Keyword:

Not Knowing If It Is Worth Their Time, Money, Effort, Frustration, Anguish And More Trying To Rank For ANY Specific Keyword!

With Serpinatr, You And Your Clients Can Know Upfront Which Keyword Or Keyword Phrase Can Potentially Make The Most Money AND, In The Process, Estimate The Potential ROI For ANY Keyword!

Serpinatr Also Allows Local Marketers To Properly Price Their Services BEFORE Proposing Fees To Clients And Prospects, Which Is HUGE As You Can Position Yourself As The Economical Choice Versus Paying More For AdWords Campaigns, Maybe Significantly More!   

So, Instead Of Focusing On One Or More Keywords Without Knowing What Their Estimated ROI Or Values Are, You And Your Clients Can Use Serpinatr’s Calculated Estimates To Compare One Or More Keywords And Only Then Make An INFORMED Decision As To What Keywords To Actually Focus On For Ranking On Page 1 Of Google And/Or The 3-Pack!   

With Literally Millions Upon Millions Of Businesses Sharing This Same Exact Problem, You Will NEVER Run Out Of RED-HOT Local Leads!   

And… You Do NOT Need To Be A Local Marketer To Benefit From Serpinatr As EVERY Marketer Should (And NEEDS To) Know Their Potential ROI And Keyword Values BEFORE Trying To Rank ANY Keyword If They Want To Be Efficient, Effective AND In The BEST Position To Rank The Highest AND Bank The Most… RANK AND BANK With Serpinatr!   

Regardless if you’re into online and/or offline marketing, Serpinatr is the MUST-HAVE software for ALL marketers, including YOU!

With Serpinatr, You And Your Clients Can Know Upfront Which Keyword Or Keyword Phrase Can Potentially Make The Most Money AND, In The Process, Estimate The Potential ROI For ANY Keyword!


Serpinatr Also Allows Local Marketers To Properly Price Their Services BEFORE Proposing Fees To Clients And Prospects, Which Is HUGE As You Can Position Yourself As The Economical Choice Versus Paying More For AdWords Campaigns, Maybe Significantly More!


So, Instead Of Focusing On One Or More Keywords Without Knowing What Their Estimated ROI Or Values Are, You And Your Clients Can Use Serpinatr’s Calculated Estimates To Compare One Or More Keywords And Only Then Make An INFORMED Decision As To What Keywords To Actually Focus On For Ranking On Page 1 Of Google!


With Literally Millions Upon Millions Of Businesses Sharing This Same Exact Problem, You Will NEVER Run Out Of RED-HOT Local Leads!


And… You Do NOT Need To Be A Local Marketer To Benefit From Serpinatr As EVERY Marketer Should (And NEEDS To) Know Their Potential ROI And Keyword Values BEFORE Trying To Rank ANY Keyword If They Want To Be Efficient, Effective AND In The BEST Position To Rank The Highest AND Bank The Most… RANK AND BANK With Serpinatr!


Regardless if you’re into online and/or offline marketing, Serpinatr is the MUST-HAVE software for ALL marketers, including YOU!

“Use Our Never-Before-Revealed SEO ROI, Keyword Valuation AND Google 3-Pack Estimation Software To INSTANTLY Estimate The Value Of Ranking On Page 1 Of Google For ANY Keyword Or Keyword Phrase AND/Or Ranking In Google’s 3-Pack!”

The Internet is not the Wild West that it was not that long ago. It is SO much harder to rank on page 1 of Google today then it was just a few years ago. The same can be said for the 3-Pack.

And… it is no longer a luxury to rank, it is a necessity, whether for yourself and your own website or, if you’re an Offline marketer, for your client and prospects’ websites and/or Google My Business Pages.   

If you or your clients and prospects want to survive online, you and they can no longer afford to NOT RANK on page 1 of Google and/or in the 3-Pack…   

…You AND local businesses NEED to rank on page 1 of Google and/or the 3-Pack OR you will be obsolete and extinct to the world… metaphorically speaking, of course!

But why is that? Because when you or your clients rank on page 1 of Google and/or in the 3-pack, you can generate more:
  • Online traffic and website visitors
  • Leads
  • Sales
  • Revenues; and
  • Profits

And, the higher the ranking, the BIGGER your or your clients’ potential to DOMINATE your respective markets and…

…Crush your competition!   

But what if you or your clients or prospects are not ranking on page 1 of Google and/or not ranking in the 3-Pack, who is?   

The competition is, which means they and NOT you or your clients or prospects are in prime position to benefit from and generate more online traffic and website visitors, leads, sales, revenues and profits.

Why is all this so important? And why do you and your clients and prospects NEED to rank on page 1 of Google and/or in the 3-Pack?

Because there is a COST of NOT RANKING on page 1 of Google and/or in the 3-Pack…   

A cost that CAN be calculated!   

Now, there’s a very good chance that neither you nor your clients and prospects even know that there is a way to calculate the estimated value of ANY keyword in ANY position on page 1 of Google and/or in the 3-Pack, and that’s okay.


Why is all this so important? And why do you and your clients and prospects NEED to rank on page 1 of Google?


Because there is a COST of NOT RANKING on page 1 of Google…


A cost that CAN be calculated!


Now, there’s a very good chance that neither you nor your clients and prospects even know that there is a way to calculate the estimated value of ANY keyword in ANY position on page 1 of Google, and that’s okay.


But why is it that you don’t know?

I mean, wouldn’t you or your clients and prospects want to know if you’re planning to invest time and/or money to rank on page 1 of Google and/or in the 3-Pack for certain keywords?   

Unfortunately, and rather sadly, most so-called SEO experts have NO IDEA how to calculate the value of any keyword on page 1 (or any page) of Google and/or in the 3-Pack and worse yet…   

…They have NO CLUE how to calculate the estimated value of a keyword and NO CLUE how to estimate the ROI when a client or prospect engages them for SEO services.

And That’s VERY Scary…

Don’t you think it would be vitally important to know the potential value of a keyword you’re trying to rank on page 1 of Google and/or in the 3-Pack, whether for yourself OR for a client, BEFORE trying to rank it?

Why Of Course It Would!

But then why do a VAST MAJORITY (and we mean a VAST Majority) of Internet marketers and so-called SEO Experts and consultants NEVER calculate the potential value of or ROI of ranking any keywords on page 1 of Google and/or in the 3-Pack?

Because ALL of these people have the EXACT same thing in common with one another:   

They all have NO CLUE how to do it, period.

And, worse…

…They have NO CLUE how to find the right resource to run or have someone run an SEO ROI estimation, keyword valuation estimate and/or a 3-Pack ROI estimation, either for themselves or local businesses!   

And just when you thought it couldn’t get any worse, it does…   

…Because if a marketer or digital marketing consultant can’t tell you the estimated value of any keywords they are ranking, trying to rank or want to rank, how can they even make an informed decision or informed recommendation as to which keywords to even rank for in the first place?    

Or, for local marketers, how could they even begin to understand how to price their services if they don’t even have a clue what a keyword’s potential revenues might be if they ranked on page 1 of Google and/or in the 3-Pack for a particular keyword?   

Without this vital information, how could a marketer or digital marketing consultant figure out a potential return on investment, ROI?

Answer: They couldn’t, which is one reason it makes it difficult to sell SEO services… at least for those Offline marketers.

And that's...

…Great News For YOU!

With Serpinatr, you will be virtually instantly estimate the value for ANY competitive keyword on page 1 of Google and/or in the 3-Pack! 

And since our web-based software allows you to input several pieces of data, you are able to run virtually any scenario under the sun with varying assumptions fast and easy!

Another way to look at Serpinatr is that it also enables you, along with any clients or prospects you may have… to see how much in potential LOST REVENUE you or they may have if…

…Your or their competitors are ranking on page 1 of Google and/or in the 3-Pack and you’re/they’re not.   

This is a VERY powerful way to look at this… because NO ONE, whether in competition or business, likes to lose to their competition!   

So I ask you again.. Can you or your clients and prospects afford not to rank on the first page of Google and/or in the 3-Pack?   

We at Serpinatr like to say…

“If You’re Not Ranking, You’re Not Banking!”

And we also like to say, in our best Ricky Bobby southern-accented voices:

“Rank And Bank!”

So help yourself and, if applicable, your clients and prospects, grab potentially MASSIVE profits just sitting on the table waiting to be scooped up when you secure your access to Serpinatr now!


However you ended up on this page today does not matter.

What does is that you now are in position to NOT be like the VAST MAJORITY above that cannot figure how to get out of a wet paper bag let alone figure out how to estimate SEO ROI, keyword and/or 3-Pack values!   

When you invest in Serpinatr, you instantly separate yourself and rise head and shoulders above your competition as you will finally be able to estimate the potential value and SEO ROI for one or more keywords ranked on page 1 of Google, anywhere from #1 to #10 as well as the estimated ROI for ranking one or more keywords in the 3-Pack.

With this invaluable knowledge, you are in the enviable position to make or, for local marketers, help your clients to make, an informed decision of whether or not it is worthwhile to have SEO work performed on any specific keywords AND what results can be expected based on your upfront estimates courtesy of Serpinatr!

Someone WILL be generating the online traffic and visitors, clicks, leads, phone calls, emails, sales and revenues from ranking on page 1 of Google…

Unless you want to leave potentially tons of profits sitting on the table (I don’t think so!), make that “someone” you and your business NOW!

And for local marketers, make that “someone” your clients and prospects’ businesses ASAP!

With a combination of our proprietary 3-in-1 software and training on how to use the software effectively and efficiently, we have developed a near foolproof system for estimating the SEO ROI and value of any competitive keyword ranking on page 1 of Google as well as in the 3-Pack.

Once you have Serpinatr, you can turn into an instant keyword, SEO ROI, 3-Pack ROI and Data expert, which is BIG for you as this can separate yourself from ALL your competition, so long as you put Serpinatr into action!

The Early BETA Tester Results...
“Not Only is Serpinatr Lightning Quick, Powerful And Precise, It Is Drop-Dead Easy To Use…”

Regardless if you’re a newbie to Internet and Offline marketing, a seasoned veteran or anywhere in between, you will be given the RARE chance to use our new and truly revolutionary software that very few have used beside us before today!

In other words, we are giving you a huge competitive advantage today: An unsaturated, no competition SEO ROI, 3-Pack ROI and Keyword Valuation estimation software and training to calculate the estimated value and SEO ROI for any keywords anytime you want!   

With our software and training, you have a real opportunity to take your business to new heights FASTER than you ever dreamed possible!

On the inside, we hand you a copy of our 2-in-1 Serpinatr software, along with in-depth training, both of which provide you with the advantage to:

  • Calculate SEO ROI for any keyword anytime you want, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 24 hours a day…
  • Estimate the potential value of any keyword ranking on page 1 of Google, again 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 24 hours a day…
  • Generate a .PPF report with ROI SEO Estimation or Keyword Valuation for yourself, or use as a powerful marketing piece to hand out to (and impress) clients and prospects, which you can include a Call-To-Action and brand with your logo, name, business name, address, telephone and email address…
  • Create a unique custom URL for your branded .PDF report you can give to your clients and prospects for convenient and unlimited access and viewing…
  • Require clients and prospects to opt-in to your email list to unlock your .PDF report…
  • Calculate the 3-Pack ROI for any keyword you want, 24/7/365…
  • Generate RED HOT leads anytime you want with our unique custom URL system
  • Save your leads to CSV file…
  • Save all projects and calculations you conduct…
  • All the training to quickly and effectively use our software and local lead generation system 

  • And More!

No matter where you are in the world, Serpinatr is the ONLY software system we know of ANYWHERE of its kind that answers the #1 question EVERY Internet marketer and local business has:

“What Is My Return On Investment, Or ROI, For Ranking My Keyword On Page 1 Of Google And/Or In The 3-Pack?”

That is:

“How Much Money Can I Make Ranking On Page 1 Of Google And/Or In The 3-Pack?”

And who doesn’t like to make money?! Since you’re reading this page, we know you do, so…

Do Yourself AND Your Business A HUGE Favor And Click The Buy Button BEFORE This Special Offer Ends:

Also, we want to make sure you stay on the cutting edge, which is why you will receive FREE UPDATES for one (1) year when you purchase today. That way, if we update the software, you will automatically get that update!

So, you’re getting everything we mentioned above, the software, the software training, updates for one (1) year and, you get all that for today’s insanely-low introductory price, so you do NOT want to wait and risk losing out on this incredible investment opportunity!

Click the buy button and we’ll see you on the inside!


P.S. We reserve the right to take down this special offer at anytime without notice. Therefore, do NOT risk missing out on this great offer, click the BUY Button now and get started today.

Disclaimer Serpinatr is not affiliated with WarriorPlus in any way, nor does WarriorPlus sponsor or approve any Serpinatr product. WarriorPlus expresses no opinion as to the correctness of any of the statements made by Serpinatr in the materials on this web page. We reserve the right to take down this offer anytime without notice! There is no promise or representation that you will make a certain amount of money, or any money, or not lose money, as a result of using our products and services. Any earnings, revenue, or income statements are based on actual individual results and/or estimates as may be stated. There is no guarantee that you will make these levels for yourself. If we know typical buyer results they are listed. Otherwise, we do not know typical buyer results and you should take that into consideration. As with any business, your results will vary and will be based on your personal abilities, experience, knowledge, capabilities, level of desire, and an infinite number of variables beyond our control, including variables we or you have not anticipated. There are no guarantees concerning the level of success you may experience. Each person’s results will vary. There are unknown risks in any business, particularly with the Internet where advances and changes can happen quickly. The use of our information, products and services should be based on your own due diligence and you agree that we are not liable for your success or failure.